F.A.Q's on Betta Fish

Frequently Asked Questions on Betta Fish:

betta fish
fighter fish

How many days can betta fish survive in a shipping box?
Ans: Hardly a Day. I guess

2] Which is easier to keep, a betta fish or a guppy?
Ans: It's, totally up to you. Both fishes have their advantages and disadvantages of keeping them in your aquarium. Ultimately, you have to take care of either of them whichever you choose to keep.

3] Why is my red betta fish turning blue?
Ans: It might be Stressed. Take good care of your betta fish.

fish betta
how to play with my betta fish

4] Is it really possible to play with betta fish? if yes then how can I play with my Betta Fish?
Ans: Yes. You can actually play with your betta fish. Although it is possible. It doesn't usually happen as soon as you start to pet a betta fish. It takes a lot of time for these fighter fish to recognise you and start playing with you.
        Generally, betta fish is a highly interactive fish species and they even love to interact with us. You may have observed betta fish tends to recognise you when you are about to feed them or when you try to play with them by pointing your fingers on the fish tank towards them and they follow your fingertips like they are playing with you.
         So, if you want your fighting fish to play with you follow these simple steps:

  • Firstly, be patient and spend some time with your betta fish and observe him and he will observe you too as well in the process.
  • Then try to feed them for some days. This will help them to recognise you as the one who feeds him.
  • After a few days, try to play with them by placing your fingers on the fish tank pointing towards him then move the finger across the tank glass and see it follows you.
  • If he follows your finger then voila he surely recognises you. Now you observe his other behaviour and make him do some tricks by playing with him.
  • You can even feed him by placing a worm or food pellet on your finger above the water surface. If he eats from your fingers then he is surely getting along with you quite well.
  • This will help both of you to make a bond with each other.
  • Lastly, you can call him with his name which you have given to him and see how it reacts with you.
  • This will freshen and lighten the moods of both of you. 
F.A.Q's on Betta Fish F.A.Q's on Betta Fish Reviewed by rohit bhandari on 22:41 Rating: 5

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