How to care for Angelfish

                     How To Do Angelfish Care                           

                      Angelfish is a freshwater fish mainly originating from the Amazon Basin of South America. It is of Cichlids species. Angelfish are some of the most favourites and commonly used aquarium fishes by aquarists. They are not usually large fishes but their growth rate is pretty high. Hence it is better to plan a big aquarium tank for them if you want to keep them as your pet. Generally, they have longitudinal stripes on their body which is beneficial for them as these stripes help them to hide in between the plants and rocks and keep themselves safe from any predators.               

                        Generally, Angelfish are known to be a little aggressive with other tank fish species and hence it is not recommended to keep them with other species. There are many occasions reported by aquarists where they have killed lots of fishes of other species in the same fish tank and sometimes they kill their own species as well. Due to this reason, they are always kept in a pair to prevent them from killing other species as well as their own species. Usually, they kill small fishes which can fit in their mouth. Big fishes are not attacked by Angelfishes.



                       Angelfish (Pterophyllum Scalare) are also found in the depth of the ocean (Marine Angelfish). But they are big in size as compared to their freshwater siblings. Freshwater Angelfish are egg layers and they lay their eggs on a leaf or a wood log or any other suitable medium available inside the aquarium.                

                       Important Factors & practices to keep your Angelfish happy & healthy are as follows :

  • Water Condition: The optimal tank water temperature for Angelfish is between 25 to 28 °C. A pair of Angelfish need at least 40 gallons of water in an aquarium otherwise they may become aggressive and this is not good for other small fishes living in the aquarium with them.

  • pH Level: The ideal pH level for Angelfish is between 6.5 to 7.5 which is slightly acidic.

  • Water Filtration: Generally, Angelfish eats a lot and create a lot of dirt and other food leftovers. This may create cloudy water inside the aquarium. Due to this a good aquarium filtration machine is highly recommended so that the water in the aquarium remains clear.
  • Feeding: Angelfish are carnivorous by nature. And they feed on small fish, shrimps, bloodworms, flakes, dried pellets, daphnia, etc. It is always better to keep a balance between live fish and pellets diet for an Angelfish. This keeps them healthy and happy.                                                                         
                          In case you have any queries related to this post or if you want me to get any more information on Angelfish, you can comment in the comment box & I'll try to answer your query at the earliest. Thanks.                         

How to care for Angelfish How to care for Angelfish Reviewed by rohit bhandari on 09:00 Rating: 5

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