Raising Beautiful & Healthy Goldfish

Taking Good Care Of Gold Fish

goldfish, goldfish care
oranda goldfish

                In this post, you will find details on how to take good care of your goldfish in your home fish aquariums. Nowadays, Goldfish are one of most commonly seen ornamental fishes and are easily available in any local pet store & there are varieties of goldfish fish like bubble eyed goldfish, oranda, black telescope goldfish, celestial eyed goldfish, comet goldfish, fantail goldfish, just to name a few as the list is very long.   

goldfish breeds, goldfish food
comet goldfish and broadtail moor goldfish swimming together

                                                                                                                                                            Goldfish (Carassius Auratus) are tropical freshwater fishes. They are the result of selective breeding between Asian carps past thousands of years. Goldfish are Asian in origin. Earlier they were also used as foods before they were introduced as ornamental fishes. And since then they can be seen in almost any pet stores around the world. They are said to be more intelligent than some of the fishes kept in tank aquariums. As they are seen recognizing certain individuals and approaching them as they come close to the aquarium tank.

varieties of comet fish swimming together in a fish tank

                Important Factors & practices to keep your goldfish happy & healthy are as follows :

  • Water Condition: Goldfish cannot survive an inconsistent water condition as they are very delicate and just a normal change in the water condition affects them a lot. The optimal tank water temperature for mollies is between 20 to 23-degree Celsius. Goldfish need a lot of water for them to grow healthy and colourful as the slightest stress can affect their growth and their health.

  • pH Level: The ideal pH level for mollies is between 7.5 to 8.5 as they like higher pH level.

  • Water Filtration: Believe me! goldfish can't do without a proper filtration system installed in your aquarium tank. Goldfish creates a lot of small food particles and wastage through their excretion which needs to be cleaned and removed from your aquarium tank regularly to keep the water condition always optimal. No filter in the aquarium will ultimately result in depletion of the water condition which is not recommended at all. 

  • Feeding: Goldfish feeds on a variety of available food items like plant matter, small crustaceans, insects, brine shrimp, grapes (outer covered removed) flakes, pellets, etc. Maintain a specific feeding time for your goldfish. They tend to eat continuously without resting and this overeating affects their health. Always feed the goldfish with only the amount of food they can eat in 4-5 minutes times. Sometimes they are also seen dying due to overeating and then not been able to digest the food completely. The extra food in the aquarium tank also results in chocking the filtration system and tends to affect the water quality in the tank as well.                                                                                                                                                 In case you have any queries related to this post or if you want me to get any information on any aquarium fishes kindly comment in the comment box. I'll try to answer your query at the earliest. Thanks.                   

Raising Beautiful & Healthy Goldfish Raising Beautiful & Healthy Goldfish Reviewed by rohit bhandari on 22:48 Rating: 5


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