Raising Beautiful & Healthy Betta Fish

Betta Fish or Siamese Fighting Fish 

betta fish
Betta Fish

               This post is all about betta fish, betta fish care, betta fish tanks & betta fish types. This beautiful & vibrant fish is also known as Siamese fighting fish. Betta fish are little colourful fishes with very long and big fins. But they are known to live a life in solitude. They are highly aggressive & territorial species and they don't do well in the fish tank when kept with other fishes or with their same species. Due to this aggressiveness, they are often seen in a bowl rather than a big fish tank in any nearby aquarium pet stores.

Betta fish Care
Betta Fish 

                 Betta fish (Betta Splendens) are native to Thailand. They have very colourful flowing fins which look so beautiful when the fins are spread in full (generally when agitated). They are known to be highly intelligent among other aquarium fishes. They are also known to recognize their human companions.

             Important Factors & practices to keep your betta fish happy & healthy are as follows :

  • Water Condition: Betta fish needs warm water when kept in a bowl or a tank. Betta fish strives on a temperature ranging between 24 to 28 °C. And in a colder climate, an aquarium water heater is recommended. They are also known to breathe air at the water surface. De-chlorinated tap water with some aquatic plants is highly recommended for these fishes. Partial water changes after three days are also recommended to keep the water quality at its optimum.

  • pH Level: The ideal pH level for betta fish is between 6.5 to 7.0 as they like higher pH level (slightly acidic).

  • Water Filtration: Any over the counter filtration system is recommended for maintaining the water quality of the tank or bowl water. But make sure the partial water changing process is maintained regularly.

  • Feeding: Betta fishes are seen to primarily feed on the water surface. They feed on pellets, frozen foods, zooplankton, brine shrimp, bloodworms, mosquitoes larvae, daphnia and other water-bound insects as they are naturally insectivorous fish. Generally, they don't feed on vegetations.

  • Male to Female Ratio: Due to their aggressive nature they are kept separated and singular in a tank/bowl which means you can keep 1 female betta fish with 1 male betta fish in a tank/bowl in approximately every 7-8 gallons of tank water only when you want them to breed. Otherwise, they can fight with each other causing death of either one of them or both.                                                                 

                       In case you have any queries related to this post or if you want me to get any information on any aquarium fishes kindly comment in the comment box. I'll try to answer your query at the earliest. Thanks.

Raising Beautiful & Healthy Betta Fish Raising Beautiful & Healthy Betta Fish Reviewed by rohit bhandari on 22:29 Rating: 5

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