how to take care of your different aquarium fishes
Different fishes swimming in a single large tank

                              This blog is all about how to take care of your different aquarium fishes, fish care and fish tank and in this blog, I'll help you to make sure to let you know how to maintain your aquarium fishes as I do. We all love fishes! who doesn't? and they also generate a feeling of calmness inside us when we watch them swim around inside the aquarium.
goldfish bowls

                                You just need a little bit of enthusiasm in you and some dedication on how to take care of your different aquarium fishes. In today's hectic world it is very necessary for every person living in this world to have at least have some relaxing time in his or her daily life. And what's better than an aquarium and its fishes.

                                A glance at aquarium fishes can relax your senses. Fishes also spread positive energy in your house. They also have a soothing effect on its observer.

                                Nowadays, we have lots of varieties of fishes available at any aquarium store like small and humble Guppies/Mollies/Goldfish/Betta Fish or large predatory fishes like Arowana/Flower horns/Piranhas, etc.

                                Some of the aquarium fish sellers also keep tortoises/turtles shipped from different parts of the world and some government banned these creatures already to put on sale in their respective countries because they are on the brink of extinction.

There most important factors to take care of your different aquarium fishes are as follows :

1] Water condition,
2] Number of fishes in a tank,
3] Fish food,
4] Cleanliness of the aquarium Tank,
5] pH control of the aquarium water,
6] Water Replacement Interval,
7] Compatibility between one or more species,
8] Water filtration in the aquarium.
Below is a detailed overview of each of these factors :

1] Water Condition: Water plays a very important role in an aquarium fishes lifecycle. Generally, the main source of water used in aquarium's is tap water. It is necessary to treat the tap water. For treating water use de-chlorinating agents and other biologically available supplements. It balances the water condition for the fishes.

2] Number of Fishes in an Aquarium: Yes, you read it right. Overcrowding fishes, decorations, aquatic plants, oxygen filter, gravel(optional) in an aquarium is fatal for the fishes. The fishes inside the aquarium grow in their size and for this, you need to plan accordingly. Some fishes like to dwell on the surface while some fishes mostly stay at the bottom. Generally, 1 inch of fish in 7.5 litres of water is the universal thumb rule to calculate the number of fish in your aquarium.

3] Fish Food: Proper feeding defines the overall health of your aquarium fish. Varieties of foods available in the market include round colourful pellets, dried packages food, living organisms like blood-worms, small fishes, etc. So choose the food for your fishes accordingly. Some fishes diet includes only live fishes only but small aquarium fishes like goldfishes can feed on pellets and occasional bloodworms or dried cube feeding.

4] Cleanliness of the Aquarium: Cleanliness is an important factor. A properly cleaned aquarium is a basic requirement as the growth of the fish also depends on it. Check and clean the aquarium timely and regularly.

5] pH Level of aquarium water: It is very important to maintain the pH level in your aquarium tank. Saltwater fish thrives on an alkaline pH of 8.0 and above whereas Freshwater fish thrives on lower pH level ranging from 5.5 to 7.5. Check the altered pH level of the water and change the water. The safest way to maintain a stable pH level in the aquarium is to regularly clean and maintain the aquarium tank and timely removal of any unwanted materials from the tank. Generally, the pH level of different species is different.

6] Water Replacement Interval: Always change 10-15 % of water from the aquarium each week. Always make sure to remove any debris, leftovers and uneaten food from the aquarium water regularly while cleaning. Make sure the filtration system is working properly. Always clean the walls of the aquarium and make sure to remove the stickiness from the walls. Rinse the filter inserts (cartridges) at specific time intervals.

7] Compatibility between one or more species: Not all fishes are compatible with each other and they cannot dwell with each other. For example, fishes like goldfish, guppies, gouramis, mollies, etc can stay which each other as they are not highly aggressive. But fishes like bass fish, cichlids fishes, vampire tetra fishes are highly territorial and can't live with one another.

8] Water filtration in the aquarium: There are different types of filters available in the market for your pet fish aquariums. some of the filters are box filters, canister filters, power filters, diatomic filters, sponge filters, etc. Filters remove excess food, free-floating particulates, dangerous chemicals, fish leftovers from the aquarium, impurities from the aquarium water.

I hope how to take care of your different aquarium fishes information helps you to keep your aquarium fish happy and healthy. Thanks for the blog visit and kindly stay tuned for more updates as I will update it regularly.


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